Monday, January 16, 2006

Last of this theme

Well, in keeping with the first two posts, I have decided to add a few more pictures that are the same theme as those already posted. I have had these pictures on my USB card reader for some I decided to clear them off...and voila!

This picture was taken by Bay Bulls Big Pond near the Goulds. I was out there in the bog getting pictures for a Biogeography assignment I was doing. It is a good thing I left it so late since I was able to capture this awesome sunset.

Another assignment left late. I was down at Atlantic Place getting pictures for an Urban Geography paper when on the way back spotted this sunset over water street. I thought it was neat since 99.2134785 % of sunset pictures are over "Natural" landscapes, rather than Urban landscapes.

Finally there is this picture of Swift Current. I came across it by accident when I was storing my pictures away into different folders. I took this in October of 2003, and somehow "lost" it.
